s e m a t e k a


Semas 10 + Es tan relativa la educación en el primer mundo...

4.4.08 by Andrés Jáquez

La educación en M. I. T. es, musicalmente hablando, retro. Muy retro. No hablemos de lo extremadamente, escandalosamente ñoño que puede llegar a ser este dúo de profesores sino de la manera tan efectiva, extravagante y amena de dar una clase. Mmmm, eh, uh...¿educación basada en competencias? A mí que alguien me explique...por favor.


Römer measured the speed of light,
and something basic just wasn’t right.
because Michaelson and Morley
showed that aether fit data poorly.

We jump to 1905.
In Einstein’s brain, ideas thrive:
“The laws of nature must be the same
in every inertial frame”

We all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity.
Yes we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

Einstein’s postulates imply
that planes are shorter when they fly.
Their clocks are slowed by time dilation,
and look warped from aberration.

Cos theta-prime is cos theta minus beta … over one minus beta cos theta.
Yes we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

With the Lorentz transformation,
we calculate the relation
between Chris’s and Zoe’s frame,
but all invariants, they are the same.
Like B dot E and B-squared minus E-squared,

… and the rest mass squared which is E-squared minus p-squared.
’cos we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

Soon physicists had a proclivity
for using relativity.
But nukes made us all scared
because E = mc2.

Everything is relative, even simultaneity,
and soon Einstein’s become a de facto physics deity.
’cos we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.


But Einstein had another dream,
and in nineteen sixteen
he made a deep unification
between gravity and acceleration.
He said physics ain’t hard at all
as long as you are in free fall,
’cos our laws all stay the same
in a locally inertial frame.

And he called it general relativity, relativity, relativity.
And we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

If towards a black hole you fall
tides will make you slim tall,
but your friends won’t see you enter
a singularity at the center,
because it will look to them
like you got stuck at radius 2M.
But you get squished, despite this balking,
and then evaporate, says Stephen Hawking.

We all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity.
Yes we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

We’re in an expanding space
with galaxies all over the place,
and we’ve learned from Edwin Hubble
that twice the distance makes redshift double
We can with confidence converse
about the age of our universe.
Rival theories are now moot
thanks to Penzias, Wilson, Mather & Smoot.

We all live in an expanding universe, expanding universe, expanding universe.
Yes we all live in an expanding universe, expanding universe, expanding universe.

But what’s the physics of creation?
There’s a theory called inflation
by Alan Guth and his friends,
but the catch is that it never ends,
making a fractal multiverse
which makes some of their colleagues curse.
Yes there’s plenty left to figure out
like what reality is all about about.

but at least we believe in relativity, relativity, relativity.
Yes we all believe in relativity, 8.033, relativity.

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